Discover the epitome of luxury at Encore Tower Suites, nestled within the vibrant heart of Las Vegas. Verified for its opulence and exclusivity, our suites offer a sanctuary away from the bustling city.

Immerse in Luxury: Indulge in the serenity of a private entrance, a dedicated lobby bar, and personalized concierge services, ensuring a seamless and tailored experience from the moment you arrive.

Unparalleled Amenities: From massage tables for ultimate relaxation to access to the renowned Spa at Encore Las Vegas, every detail is designed to elevate your stay.

Gastronomic Delights: Savor the culinary excellence of Wynn and Encore’s diverse restaurants, from the lively ambiance of Casa Playa to the sophistication of Four-Star Italian cuisine at Sinatra’s.

Exclusive Access: As a guest of Encore Tower Suites, unwind at any of our pools, including the tranquil Tower Suites pool, offering a serene retreat amidst the excitement of the Strip.

Luxurious Accommodations: Experience unrivaled comfort in our spacious suites, renowned for their lavish amenities and elegant design, making them a haven of relaxation in the heart of Las Vegas.

24-hour room service
House car
Meeting rooms
Outdoor pool